I was skeptical at first, but in love now. I used to have long eyelashes, but I started losing them slowly & some were breaking, so I ended up with short eyelashes. this product gave me my eyelashes back! I think what it did is strengthen them first, coz they are not falling as they used to!, they are getting darker & have a natural curve.I have to say though that at first, some of my eyelashes were falling, but i stuck with it 'coz i know that most hair treatments get rid of the weak ones before the new ones start growing... i also had some reddness & puffiness with some scaling between week 3-6 for which i used a low intensity steroid cream from over the counter... & eventually it worked! My results started showing weak 4-6! So be patient!For the negative reviews that say u get paid/bribed with another bottle to write a 5 star review, i say YES! But guess what? U won't be interested in another bottle unless u really liked the first one!!!I don't wear mascara any more, 'coz if i do, people won't stop staring at them! The picture here is without mascara as u can see!My only problem with this product is that i started growing lashes in the inner corner of my eye!!!!!! But it's not a big deal 'coz now I'm plucking them away!! Have u ever heard of anyone who plucks her eyelashes?! That's me ;)